Time Out NY recommends "Pedal to Pelham Bay Park"!

Time Out New York just added WildMetro event "Pedal to Pelham Bay Park" as a Critic's Pick for Own this City.
Click here to check it out.
WildMetro Pelham Bay Park project area: Golden Meadow, Granny Oak, and vicinity. Photos by Professor Ruth Gyure, taken August 19, 2009

Joe-Pye weed (Eupatorium sp.) in a hidden pocket of rare wetland plants.
Check our Flickr account for more pictures.
Pedal to Preserve Pelham Bay Park August 30th

9AM, Meeting at Bike & Roll, Pier 84, Hudson River Park, 557 12th Ave. @ 43rd Street, Manhattan, across from Circle Line.
12PM, Meeting at Bronx Victory Memorial in Southern Section of Pelham Bay Park, Bronx, close to end of 6 train.
Environmental and biking organizations from 5 boroughs are joining together to gain much needed attention for NYC's biggest park - Pelham Bay - home to wild turkeys, terrapin turtles and the famous 400-year old Granny Oak. At 9AM the East Coast Greenway Alliance and Time's Up New York are teaming up to lead a 25-mile one-way bicycle ride to Pelham Bay Park along existing and proposed portions of the East Coast Greenway in Manhattan and the Bronx. At noon, bikers will arrive at the Bronx Victory Memorial and WildMetro, a local environmental organization, will coordinate a clearing out of invasive species and trash of the park, to follow with a nature walk through the park. Be sure to pack a lunch!
Tour of the Museum of Natural History!
August 6, 2009
The huge crygenic vats used to preserve the DNA samples.
Last week two WildMetro interns, Paige Reidy and Megan Szrom, were able to get a behind the scenes tour of the
The head of the lab opening up the vats.
Pelham Bay Park work day on July 26th
Pelham Bay Park is a beautiful oasis of woods and coastal wetlands. Unfortunately it is being degraded by various invasive plant species.
Work gloves and tools will be provided, but you are welcome to bring your own if you prefer. As always, summer outdoors can mean exposure to sun, poison ivy, ticks, and mosquitoes, so we highly recommend a broad brimmed hat, long sleeve shirt and pants, and of course sturdy shoes. Use bug spray and sun screen at your own discretion.
We will be meeting in the Southern Zone of Pelham Bay Park at the parking lot off Middletown Rd. The meeting place is easily reached by car from the Country Club/Pelham Bay Park exit of I -95 (northbound only!) or by public transportation. Take the 6 subway train or 12 bus to the Pelham Bay station, or check the internet for other options.
Please RSVP for this event at earthtenders@gmail.com and feel free to bring friends. You can reach David Burg at (917)846-8300 if you have further questions.
Location: Pelham Bay Park
Time: Invasive species removal 9:00 am – 12:00 pm
Meeting place: Parking lot by the track
Thanks! And we hope to see you this weekend!
Pelham Bay Park work day on July 12!!

Come remove invasive plant species in
Work gloves and tools will be provided, but you are welcome to bring your own if you prefer. As always, summer outdoors can mean exposure to sun, poison ivy, ticks, and mosquitoes, so we highly recommend a broad brimmed hat, long sleeve shirt and pants, and of course sturdy shoes. Use bug spray and sun screen at your own discretion.
We will be meeting in the Southern Zone of Pelham Bay Park at the parking lot off
Please RSVP for this event to earthtenders@gmail.com and feel free to bring friends. You can reach Maria Harvey at mariaharvey01@hotmail.com or (646)938-9266 if you have further questions.
Time: Invasive species removal 9:00 am – 11:00 am; 11:00 am – 1:00 pm
Meeting place: Parking lot by the track
An area lush with the rare native rose.
By Paige Reidy (WildMetro Summer Intern)
Turtles and Earth Tenders workday on July 11!!

This program is free and open to the public. Those who can only attend for the work session or the turtle program are welcome. Those participating in both should bring their own lunch and drink.
Work gloves and tools will be provided, but you are welcome to bring your own if you prefer. As always, summer outdoors can mean exposure to sun, poison ivy, ticks, and mosquitoes, so we highly recommend a broad brimmed hat, long sleeve shirt and pants, and of course sturdy shoes. Use bug spray and sun screen at your own discretion.
We will be meeting in the APEC parking lot at 10 am. The address is
Please RSVP for this event to earthtenders@gmail.com and feel free to bring friends. You can reach Caesar at caesar_rahman2004@yahoo.com if you have further questions. On the day of the event you can also reach us by cell phone at (917)846-8300.
Location: Alley Pond Environmental Center
Time: Invasive species removal 10:00-12:00 PM; Turtle Talk 12:00-2:00 PM.
Meeting place: APEC parking lot
By Paige Reidy (WildMetro Summer Intern)
Urban Wildlife Ecology & Management: An International Symposium on Urban Wildlife & the Environment
This conference was held at the
David Burg attended the conference on Monday, June 21 and then returned on Wednesday, June 24 with two volunteers, Caesar Rahman and Paige Reidy. Much of the focus on Wednesday was on urban herpetology (a topic that Caesar is extremely interested in- he is doing his own turtle and terrapin research in both
The conference brought together many professionals from around the world specializing in the areas of urban planning, landscape design, public policy, and ecology. With an issue as complex as urban wildlife management it is important to pursue an interdisciplinary approach, employing many different solutions to these multi-faceted problems. The planery featured talks by Dr. Richard T. T. Forman of
By Paige Reidy (WildMetro Summer Intern)
Ongoing Work at Pelham Bay Park
The Golden Meadow
Since WildMetro’s inception in 2002 work has been performed (through the Earth Tenders program) to remove invasive plant species throughout
Recently, intensive work to restore a native meadow, named the Golden Meadow by David Burg, has been performed. Once restored, this meadow will provide a new habitat to many native bird and insect species. The meadow is located next to what locals call the Granny Tree – a four century old White Oak tree. This tree is truly an amazing sight having successfully survived the industrial expansion due to its location on a wealthy landowner’s estate. An article was even published about the Granny Tree in a South African magazine!
Contact WildMetro if you’re interested in getting involved in the restoration process of this beautiful meadow in Pelham Bay Park or if you’d like some information on other invasive removals occurring in various parks throughout the 5 boroughs.

The "Granny Tree" as its called by locals.
By Paige Reidy (WildMetro Summer Intern)
June 13th Earth Tenders outing at Forest Park a success!
July 1, 2009
On June 13th 15 volunteers joined Dan Mayer as he led them into beautiful
By Paige Reidy (WildMetro Summer Intern)
Forest Park Earth Tenders event this Saturday!
Forest Park is a beautiful oasis of woods, ponds, and glacial topography, right in the middle of Queens. Unfortunately is is being degraded by various invasive plant species. We will be removing one of the more aggressive species, Japanese knotweed, from a section of the park, on Saturday June 13th.
Gloves and tools will be provided, but you are welcome to bring your own if you want. There is some poison ivy so it is highly recommended you wear pants and of course sturdy shoes. Something to drink and food is also recommended.
We will be meeting at the intersection of Forest Park Drive and Woodhaven Blvd. at 10 am. You can get there easily by car from the Jackie Robinson Parkway or take the J train to Woodhaven Blvd. and walk uphill to Forest Park Drive.
Please RSVP for this event and feel free to bring friends. You can reach Dan at dmayer76@yahoo.com or 917-623-4700 if you have further questions.
Upcoming Orchard Beach workday on June 7
WildMetro Earth Tenders volunteers will be working to clean up and remove invasive plants from the Orchard Beach Meadow in the Bronx on Sunday, June 7, from 10am to 4pm. We are working to protect this beautiful meadow because of the many rare species it harbors, including a special gamma grass community and a moth that may be found nowhere else on earth. This workday is meant to compliment a canoe-based cleanup being held at roughly the same time. Several WildMetro volunteers will be participating in that effort which is being organized by the park rangers and Hutchinson River Restoration.
Most participants for both events will be meeting at the parking lot at Rodman's neck, just off the traffic circle leading to City Island. Our work site is a fairly short walk in from this meeting location. The canoe trip is leaving from a location down the road. People driving should arrive early, this is a small parking lot that fills frequently. The location is also at a bus stop (City Island and Orchard Beach busses). The busses also stop at the Pelham Bay Station, last stop on the 6 train. It is a free transfer from the subway to the busses. Call the WildMetro office (212 308 9453) or email (earthtenders@gmail.com) to RSVP.
Participants should dress for outdoor work. Long sleeve shirt and pants, sturdy footwear, and a broadbrim hat are strongly recommended. Bring bug spray if you wish, as well as your own food and beverage. Work gloves and tools will be provided for those who request in advance. The site is close to Orchard Beach so those who wish should bring swim suits, though the water is still rather cold.